As our summer months come to a close, it is a great time to reevaluate where you are at emotionally. Fall evokes those feelings of comfort and hibernation and is an excellent time to sit quietly and discover what your needs are. We are so busy caring for others that we neglect the most important person. I encourage you to tap into you intuition and see what your needs are.

One of the easiest ways we can uncover divine information is by being quiet, calm and mindful. Most clients tell me that it’s hard for them to sit and meditate for a long stretch of time and I understand that. Though doing so has tremendous benefits, I find snippets of time throughout my entire day so my mindset is always more calm than chaotic. All those moments add up to a healthy block of time.

When we practice mindfulness, we are essentially being very aware to whatever is happening in that moment. We are no longer worried about yesterday or this morning; we aren’t projecting worry about tomorrow; we are just here in this moment of time. Being creative is a great way to find a mindful, intuitive state. Whether it’s painting, gardening or taking a walk through nature, all of these activities allow the logical left side of the brain to simply chill out for a while.

Intuition and divine guidance are abundant and always available when you are ready to tap in. When an interesting and unprovoked idea comes into your mind, pay attention. Stop second guessing your guidance by calling it a coincidence. Also be open to inspiration showing up in a different form that you expect. Which ever way you can best find yourself in that mindful state, just keep doing it. It gets easier to slip into those moments of clarity and stay there longer.